Victor "Tommy" Hobbs

Tommy used the 10-week contest to transform his lifestyle and get the whole family on board.

Making Weight Loss a Family Affair

The first thing Tommy Hobbs does every morning is drink a GC Control™ Shake. Always a big eater, Tommy finds that drinking GC Control every morning has made a significant difference in helping him eat less during the day. It’s just one of the many small changes Tommy made to drop an impressive 36.5 pounds for the Beat the Holiday Bulge Weight Loss Contest.

Director II Robin Moritz, Tommy’s mom, first heard about the contest and told Tommy about it. Tommy has struggled with weight his whole life, a side effect of his autism medication. Both Tommy and Robin saw this as a chance to make some healthy life changes.

Tommy began eating more fruits and vegetables and cutting down on candy. He also exercised a lot. “I got on the treadmill for 45 minutes each day,” Tommy says. “I also took FiberWise® and GC Control every day.”

Tommy’s now-baggy clothes are evidence of his hard work. But even more impressive, Tommy hasn’t stopped. He’s lost a total of 57 pounds in the last year and his whole family has joined him in eating healthier, exercising, and just plain enjoying life.

“We’re grateful that Melaleuca had this contest,” Robin says. “We can really see a difference in our lives. The changes haven’t just been temporary, but permanent: our energy levels are way up, we feel better, we’re eating better, and we’ve changed our exercise habits.”

Tommy loves the way his healthier lifestyle feels. He’s glad he didn’t give up on losing weight and he’s thankful to Melaleuca for giving him some extra help and motivation. “I have a lot of energy since losing weight,” Tommy says. “I would tell everyone to use GC Control and FiberWise because it works really well.”

*Individual results will vary. When combined with exercise and a healthy diet, GC Control and FiberWise may help promote a healthy weight and body composition.