Exercise Archives

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Exercises That Target & Tighten Your Abs

Use the exercises shown here to target all your abdominal muscles. With a little training, they will cinch you in like a natural corset for a slimmer waistline.

Five Exercises for Lean, Sculpted Arms

From shoulders on down, these five exercises will tighten and tone your arms, getting them ready for summer tanks and sundresses.

Stronger Sleeker Legs in 6 Moves

When you tone your legs, you’re doing more than sculpting a sexy silhouette, you’re building one of the largest muscle groups in your body for a serious metabolic boost to keep you burning more calories throughout the day.

The Frugal Home Gym

Joining a gym can be a great start. But for some, going to a gym may be too time-consuming, inconvenient, or expensive.

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